SUP049 - Viewing & Copying Document Info

General Topics
This feature allows you to view history for customers as well as suppliers as a reference or alternatively to copy the data to the current processing document.
  • It provides a quick view into Customer and Supplier Sales and Purchases history and trends.
  •  Saves time when processing new orders or invoices by copying from previously processed invoices.
Accounts Payable:
  1. Purchase Requisitions
  2. Purchase Orders
  3. Purchase Invoices                                                                                                                                        
Accounts Receivable:
  1. Freehand Quotes
  3. Sales Orders
  4. Sales Invoices
When you process a new document, you have the option to view history as displayed below with the option to select either the Freehand Quote, Order or Invoice history. 
On this screen you have the ability to view the Sales or Purchases history. In addition, this screen gives you the ability to copy lines from one or more documents and to drill-down and view the full document if required. 
You may search for documents for a different customer or supplier by entering text within a customer (supplier) code, or when you click on the customer filter option as indicated below. A list of all customers (suppliers) is displayed allowing you to simply select the required customer (supplier).  
When there are multiple documents you have the option to Expand All which will display all the lines within the various documents.
The Collapse All option will display the document headers only. 
When you are satisfied with the information you have selected to copy or use as a reference, click on OK, your selection is copied to the document you are processing in. If you want to view the document you are copying before making a selection, double-click on the document line and it will be displayed on the screen in the form of a drill down. This could be to simply view a customer’s previous transactions or to create that “personal touch”. 

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